
One of our company's particular strengths is the ability to solve individual technical problems which are not only tailored to particular customer requirements, but which can also be achieved cost-effectively through purchases that are not tied to one manufacturer.
The high level of specialist training achieved by our staff is particularly important. On the tech-nical side alone, our company employs a technical engineer, two technical draftswomen, one I&C specialist, two master craftsmen and four senior fitters. Regular training courses and continuing professional development courses make sure that this expertise is maintained and that we are always up-to-date with the market.
We are able to look back with pride on a large number of satisfied customers who trustingly place their building services into our hands for regular maintenance and repair work.
If you wish, we can also carry out hygiene inspections and testing according to VDI 6022 Cate-gory A on existing systems and newly installed ventilation technology and can maintain installed systems according to this hygiene standard with the necessary expertise.